Private Occupational Therapy

A personal and tailored approach to your needs.

Dublin | Wicklow | Kildare
086 310 9970

Our Expertise

  • Housing Adaption Reports

    If you are considering adapting your home due to illness, or a change in functional ability then contact us.

  • Equipment

    If you are considering purchasing equipment you should get advice from a qualified Occupational Therapist.

  • Independent Living

    If you have difficulty in managing your daily tasks, then our occupational therapist will assess you and provide advice and information regarding home and task modifications.

  • Lifestyle Redesign

    Sometimes we need a little support in redesigning our lifestyle, habits, hobbies and practices. After completing an initial assessment we will focus on working towards collaborative goals.

The OT Clinic is a private and professional Occupational Therapist service offering support to people with physical, psychological and social challenges to enable them to live life to the fullest.